TikTok VS YouTube | The End by CarryMinati

Hello, welcome to this blog about TikTok VS YouTube | The End video by @CarryMinati 

Here is my opinion about it:

This video was made by CarryMinati on requests of his fans and due to tiktoker people saying things that YouTubers didn't like and the whole Community came forward together in unity and stood together for his video.

This video was based on video made by Amir Siddique, in which he said many things to which Carry responded in his own way and roasted him. And we all know already how his videos are it's nothing new, and there are lots of people who do the same but they are not that famous so people just ignore them. 

Everything said and jokes made was on Amir siddique and those Tiktoker's who said wrong things on YouTube and creators. Because when things and people start to go too far doing wrong things about something then someone like CarryMinati and others has to come forward.

And now those tiktokers who didn't understood took that video to LGBT community and explained it to them as those words said for Amir Siddique and few tiktokers are for the LGPT people. And mass reported it to YouTube and now the video is taken down by YouTube for violating community guidelines on Harassment and cyber bullying.

Youtube took down videos of many others videos on TikTok VS YouTube topic for the same.

Now Question here is that there are thousands of such kinds of videos on the internet as well as youtube why are they still there and those videos are not removed?
When Pewdiepie made a video againt India and Tseries, why it's not violating the same rule? and also that's against a country!!

YouTube needs to answer it or fix this things down.

That's Enough for this topic.
Thank You.

Here is a link to Gyaani 2.0 Video giving genuine reasons on this topic:


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