About My Youtube Favourites |BB KI VINES

Hello, and welcome all to my Blog Mr_Ansari7,

Today, i am gonna tell you about how I came to know about YouTube and who are my favorites YouTubers in India specially because I watch very few foreign videos on YouTube.
Bhuvan Bam
Bhuvan Bam

BB ki vines: The first YouTuber who was getting viral in the year 2017. He make comedy videos with his amazing new words people used in their life but in new form. Many said he made adult videos because he used abusive words but that was not the case.  I have been hearing about his videos during my high school days but didn't watched it until I got my personal phone.

Date 17 July, 2017 the Day I got a new personal smartphone, because I was going to be studying outside my Hometown for further studies.
And for that I went to Delhi, the capital city of India. And then since I had my personal phone I started watching YouTube Videos.

BB ki Vines the most awaited videos for me to watch.

BB short-form of Bhuvan Bam, the man who was going to change the whole YouTube India in future, a Delhi boy who loves to play guitar and sing also. This guy emerged as a simple Delhi boy to a celebrity known far ends of this worlds. He has inspired lots of people that they can achieve anything if you do struggle. And due to his his hard work, struggle and dedication currently he has over 
17.2 Millions of subscribers 
Dated 10th May, 2020

And still going on increasing.   
He has made vines , songs, short Films (won an award for it),etc.
Despite being so much fame he is very humble person.

He has also made some IMP videos giving msgs like: 

That's it for this Blog, thank you for reading it till here.
Will be writing up many more blogs related to my favourites YouTubers, next one is none other than our favourite Roasting, gaming Youthoober CARRYMINATI.

Thank YOU!!


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